Thursday 4 April 2013


Lord of the Flies takes place entirely on an island. A question that every reader of this novel asks at one time is "What does the island look like?". Many artists have tried to visualize the island from the Lord of the Flies, but none can compare to my gifted attempt. Unfortunately I can't upload my own drawing, so I just took one from the internet and pasted it to my blog.
 As you can see, the major landmarks are here, from the Mountain to the bathing pool. From Castle Rock to the place of Piggy's death, which I may or may not have cried about (I didn't, a bro never cries). 

 One thing you can learn from this map is the location of everything in the story, from the mountain to castle rock, from Pig Fire to the Bathing Pool, from the Scar to the actual pig's head known as "The Lord of the Flies". What are these places? I am so glad I asked. "The Lord of the Flies" is a detached pig's head on a stick. The pig that the head belonged to was killed by Jack and his hunters during a hunt. The Bathing Pool is (as its name suggests) a pool that the children use for bathing. The mountain is a symbol of truth and hope in the story. The children light the fire on the mountain when Ralph is in charge. This represents the hope for rescue that Ralph gives the children. When Jack takes charge, the fire dies out. The death of the fire represents the hope for rescue that is lost by the children when Jack takes over and forces everyone to behave aggressively and uncivilized. Castle Rock is a small separate island connected by a small isthmus. Castle Rock is the location where Jack sets up his headquarters after being banished by Ralph. Castle Rock is also assumed to be the lair of "The Beast". Without this map, it would have been harder to visualize the setting of "the Lord of the Flies"

 I included this map in the blog because it is the highest quality map I could find on the internet.

Map source:
"Lord of the Flies Island Tour." Lord of the Flies Island Tour. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Apr. 2013. <>.



  1. Bennet, I had a great time reading about your map, you made some very valid connections between the map and the book. I am very disappointed that I was unable to see your “gifted” attempt at drawing it, but this is better than nothing. I found the connections you made between the places and the book to be an asset to your overall entry, but I wished that you had put more effort into making more connections and explaining them in further detail. I would have liked to see how you connected more of the events like Piggy’s death to other situations in the book and your life, doing this would have intrigued other viewers as well as me. I also noticed that you didn’t write about how the map deepened your understanding of the novel, if I recall correctly that was a requirement.

    If I were in your position and had to use this map as my own, I would have spoken about how knowing where the places are in the book helped me understand the hardships the characters would have went through to get to their destinations. This is only one of the many ways this map could have deepened your understanding of the novel. In my opinion I believe that the mountain was actually much closer to the beach. I believe this to be true because it states that when the ship was passing by, Ralph was able to get to the mountain from the beach fairly quickly. (But I can’t blame you because the map wasn’t your own, but I thought it would help if I told you). Finally I would’ve liked you to add some more events and locations (digitally) to your map; I think that this map is lacking a lot of the very important places and events like the pig run and the meeting area. Both these events are fairly important because the meeting area is where all of his assemblies were held and the pig run eventually turned to into the path the boys followed during their hunt of the beast.

    In the end I still found it very enjoyable to read, mostly because of the vocabulary and that there were no grammatical mistakes. Good job.

  2. if by chance the above complaint was seen by anyone, i'd like to know. especially you, bennet, you spoiling freak.
    discord poltusi#9331
    instagram ohfrickohballs
