Thursday 4 April 2013

Journal Entry #1

 1st day
 We crashed yesterday. We came upon an island, the choir boys and I. We wandered through the forest. Good lord, the stench of this place. As I scratch this on a piece of bark I found on the overgrown forest floor, I try to not think of England, lest I become homesick. The other choir boys still recognize me as their leader, even when there are no adults around.
 Roger seems to be taking this the best. He follows me with a loyalty that none of the other boys seem to possess. He projects an aura of confidence that seems to inspire the other boys to keep going. Even SamnEric seem inspired by his confidence, even though I always believed those two to be slightly insubordinate.
 Simon seems slightly disturbed by our current situation, but I guess we all are. Simon however, seems the closest to collapse, as if he is waiting to collapse into insanity. But I guess not everyone has an iron will like Roger.
As I write this, I hear the boys calling me over, shouting something about hearing a trumpet or a conch shell or something. I’d better see what is going on.
 1st day continued
 It turns out the boys were right; there was someone standing on the beach blowing into one of those conch shells. Said his name was Ralph. A whole bunch of other boys showed up as well. Mostly little kids not much older than 9 or 10.
 There was one kid, Piggy a little fat wears spectacles. He was annoying, always spotting off about rules and such. Who cares? Were on an island in the middle of nowhere! Someone should seriously stop that kid from talking.
 We decided to elect a leader. Of course all the choir boys voted for me, as I am their leader. But everyone else voted for Ralph, so Ralph is in charge I guess. I don’t like Ralph. He seems to care about things that don’t matter so much, like signal fires and shelters, instead of things that do matter, like hunting for food. Anyway, it doesn't matter, as I plan to take over later anyways.

 The character I chose for this entry was Jack, a character in the story who slowly turns into the antagonist and a representative of anarchism. Jack is leader of the choir boys/hunters. 

 I chose this character because I like the concept of the struggle between good/evil and order/anarchy, a struggle that Jack brings to life and a choice that he forces everyone in the group to make, are they going to take Jack's evil and anarchic path, or Ralph's good/order path.

 Jack is very important to the story as he is the story's antagonist, and is thus central to the conflicts in the story (man v. man, man v. self). 


  1. Brandon Nguyen: Peer response #1

    Hello Bennet! Your blog was very detailed and well-written, yet concise and down to the point. I decided to focus my peer response on Journal Entry #1. I found Jack’s journal to be very interesting. After reading that Jack later becomes the antagonist in the novel, I started realizing and noticing clues throughout his journal that show his hate towards Ralph, as well as his desire for power.

    You did a great job portraying Jack’s emotional thoughts through the journal. Throughout the journal, you depicted his hatred and twisted thoughts towards Ralph and civilization. It is also clearly evident that Jack craves more power, particularly in the last portion, where he criticizes Ralph and his inability to properly run a civilization.

    If I were to find any flaws in the journal that could be improved, the length and intricacy could be enhanced. Although I did enjoy having your blog concise and down to the point, making it easier for both me to read, and you to write, I found that a handful of the entries could have been lengthened by providing more details.

    Overall, your blog was very enjoyable to read, and very well written. In particular, I was fond of your journals. They showed lots of emotional impact, as well as had great detail. Great job, and best of luck!
