Thursday 4 April 2013

Journal Entry # 2

Journal entry #2
Unknown date
 We have been on this island so long, and I have not been keeping track of the days. I don’t even remember some of the past few days; they seem to be a blur.
 Jack insubordination is wearing down on me more and more every day. Today he stepped out of line when he broke the rules and spoke out of turn. You think this wouldn’t be a big deal, but we use the conch for a reason. That reason is that even the littlest kids get to voice their opinions without being intimidated by us larger kids.
 Today Jack actually asked me why we have rules and why anyone cares. What an idiot. Does he not know that the rules are all we have! Without the rules, we are just anarchic savages.
 Jack has changed quite a bit since I first met him. He used to be for the existence of rules. I distinctly remember him saying that we needed rules. I think his reasoning was something along the lines of we’re English, so we are axiomatically the better than everyone else, so we need rules. He seems to have changed his tune pretty quickly.
 Jack seems to be on the verge of leaving the group. I fear that the hunters would leave with him leaving just Piggy and me plus the small children, and the little uns don’t even do anything useful.
 Simon seems to be getting worse. Sometimes I catch him muttering to himself talking about something. Sometimes I worry about him, but he supports my belief that we can achieve rescue through the creation of rules and the maintaining of the signal fire. He may be a valuable ally in the future. If only I could find a way to separate him from the choir boys, then he would be mine.
 SamnEric also seem to be good candidates. They behave as if our society is a game. This means that they probably won’t stick with Jack when he starts to kill people or whatever he is planning on doing.
 I hate Jack.

 Ralph is the protagonist in Lord of the Flies. Most of the story revolves around his point of view. Ralph is elected leader at the beginning of the story and maintains this position throughout the first half of the story.

 I chose Ralph because he is my favourite character. He is the opposite of Jack. Ralph maintains his undying lust for rescue and his belief in order even when facing insurmountable odds, he rigidly defends that which he truly believes in. He represents the concept of good and order.

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