Friday 5 April 2013

Journal entry #4

Unknown day
 Jack and the rest are gone. They all left me and Ralph with some of the littleuns. Don’t they know that they can’t survive without us, without Ralph’s rules and signal fire, they have no chance for recue; without me they have no way to light a fire or use my intelligence and knowledge to build helpful things.
 But they certainly solved that specs problem last night. They raided us and took my specs, which was our only way to light a fire.
 They came during the night. We don’t know how many came, but there were a lot of them. Ralph managed to bite someone and SamnEric punched one of Jack’s raiders. Luckily SamnEric stayed with us, but I don’t think it’s permanent, as they still seem to see this as some sort of game.
 I hate Jack. He caused all this. If only he could have accepted Ralph as the rightful ruler of the island, we wouldn’t be having this problem right now. But no, he had to go and be a control freak bent on dominating all of us. Frankly, I saw his betrayal coming from the start. The way he would look at Ralph with hate and distain.
 I also hate those damned hunters. They encouraged Jack this entire time, with their war-paint and their whoops and hollers and their crudely fashioned spears. I always hated the hunters as they were all bullies. Constantly taunting and teasing me. Stealing the conch and passing it to each other as if it were a toy and not a symbol of free speech for even the lowliest child.
 Luckily SamnEric are still with us. They seem to switch sides really fast though, and I believe that they might do just that when we go to confront Jack at his Headquarters today and tell him to give up this madness.
 I must go; I can hear Ralph calling at this very moment. SamnEric are getting their spears. We will leave the few littleuns that remained with us behind so that they do not get injured. 

 Piggy is the smartest child in the group. He basically acts as Ralph's sidekick throughout the story until his death, which would immediately follow this journal entry.

 I chose Piggy because Piggy has one of the most shocking demises in the whole story. It's sad, really to see such intelligence be wasted to keep a despotic anarchist like Jack on the throne.

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