Friday 5 April 2013


 Conch is a shell belonging to any large snail that lives in the ocean. Conch shells have been used as trumpets due to their easy to hold shape and the fact that many conch shells naturally have holes on the base of the shell. An example of a conch shell:


 The conch shell is used in the story to represent the concept of order and the freedom of speech, as the system by which it is used ensures that everyone has a voice.

Picture credit: "Conch." Mhherlongcom. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 Apr. 2013. <>

Anarchy is a system of governance in which laws are considered optional and the government has no power. Individuals do what they wish without the fear of repercussion. Anarchy is a national state of disorder, and usually isn't so much a state of government as the transition period between governmental changes. Anarchy is represented by a circle with an "A" in the centre:


Anarchy is used in the story by Jack, who runs an anarchic tribal society.

Picture credit: 
"File:Anarchy-symbol.svg." - Wikimedia Commons. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 Apr. 2013. <>
 Savages is the name that Europeans used to refer to native peoples. It comes from the belief that only Europeans were truly civilized, therefore all natives must be uncivilized "savages". In the story, the children put on "savage warpaint":

 Also, at the beginning, Jack proposes that rules must be drafted because the children were English, and therefore weren't "savages".

Picture credit: 
"Thread: Eye Black." The Lacrosse Forums RSS. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 Apr. 2013. <>

Lord of the Flies:
 Lord of the Flies is not just the title of the book. The Lord of the Flies is in fact a severed pig's head placed upon a sharp stick. It is named Lord of the Flies by Simon, who has multiple conversations with it. Here's a picture:


Picture source: "Lord of the Flies Pig’s Head Terrine." Yummy Books RSS. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 Apr. 2013. <>

 To be righteous means to uphold certain moral standards, it means to be morally and justifiably right. Righteousness is usually associated with religion, but not always. Jack accuses Ralph of being overly righteous during the section in which Jack begins the process of leaving the group.

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