Friday 5 April 2013

Journal Entry #3

Unknown day
 The echoes whisper. The Lord of the Flies will take is vengeance on the murderous boys who killed him and placed his head on a stick. He told me as much.
 I saw them. I saw them do it. Jack and the choir boys and their spears, I saw them walking on the pig run. They provoked a pig. They threatened its babies. It chased them. They might have died. But they stabbed it. With their little sharpened wooden spears. Good lord, it still haunts me.
 But they went too far. They decapitated the poor thing, and placed its head on a stick. I thought they were Englishman, not savages.
 I didn’t think it was all that bad until the Lord of the Flies started speaking to me through the pig’s head. He explained that he was the reason for all the chaos. He is punishing us for our arrogance, especially Jack’s.
 This means that I have to leave the choir boys for awhile. I have been thinking about it for quite a long time, but this pushed me over the edge. I don’t think I can be on the same side as those two brutes, Jack and Roger. I think Ralph is a more viable option.
 At this point, Ralph is our only hope for survival. He and Piggy seem to be the only ones who still full out support the rules we laid out at the beginning. They have the conch, the ultimate symbol of power.
  Maybe I can convince some others to come as well. I know SamnEric will be pretty open to the suggestion. They think this is a game. They think that Jack isn’t serious about his plans for takeover. They are so naive.
 Now that I think about it, I have overheard SamnEric saying they would like to stay with Ralph as well. They could be valuable allies in the future.
 I must leave. The Lord of the Flies beckons me once again to return to the clearing so that we may speak again.

 Simon is a secondary character in the story. Although he is neither the stories antagonist nor its protagonist, he is still a very important character in the story.

 This particular journal entry takes place shortly after Simon starts to slip into insanity. In my opinion, that is one of the most interesting parts of  the story.

 I chose Simon because I was fascinated by Simon's descent into insanity. He is the only character who reacts to the situation in such a matter. 

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